Monday, November 18, 2013

When to Hire a Professional for Garage Door Repair

Over the course of time, it is not uncommon for garage doors to

suddenly start to show symptoms of malfunctioning. It may be something

as simple as a spring that needs to be replaced or it could be the

Want to Be a Better Boffer at LARP Events?

Improving your boffing skills is sometimes easier than you think! There is the old adage of practice, practice, and more practice. But one week I learned more than I thought I ever would, standing outside of the boffer circle. It was an experience that I did not expect and will not soon forget. Due to an injury (which had nothing to do with boffing) I was unable to participate in the battle, but had committed to bringing weapons. So I thought I would just go and watch. And it was interesting what you can see without a boffer in your hand.

Warhammer Scenery

Those familiar with the fantasy game of Warhammer know perfectly well that it deals with combat situations between different armies. These fictional battles take place in the 41st millennium. The miniature figures and scenery associated with the warhammer game is set at 1:65 scales. Among the various items located in these online stores are the Warhammer Fortress walls and gateway. You can also find an abundance of trees and hedges to help decorate your miniature battle fields.

What Creates a Good Gaming Community?

And in that case, what creates a good game?

In an effort to figure out just what exactly draws people into a game I've done a lot of reading online about online RPGs, MMOs, etc to hopefully impact Ashianae's Journey in a positive way. There is an incredible article at called "Rethinking the MMO" which can be found here - the article is good and provides some insight on features and concepts needed in order to successfully pull off an MMO. While the article includes a great deal of information for someone willing to read a bit, the most important aspect mentioned in the article is game play that is fun. That's to say, one of the biggest game killers in game development can be "boring game play". This leads to the question of "How do you make your game fun?" It's a question that plagues me consistently, because while I can envision our game being fun, and including elements that tend to make games fun.. how can you be sure that your concept will lead to "fun" game play, and keep people engaged?

What Group of Gamer Are You?

Earlier a typical gamer used to be a male typically in the age group 16-19 years. But today there are older gamers in the gaming community. According to some surveys the average age of the male video gamer in US is 35 years and in UK is 23 years who have been playing video game for over a decade. Also it is estimated that nearly 40 percent of the video gamers are women.

Wish You Could Get More Video Games For Less Money? You CAN!

According to a survey on Gamespot, the average person buys at least one game a month. Some buy as many as 4 games a month. For simplicity, however, we're going to just focus on those people that buy one game a month. What I'm going to show you is the simplicity of renting video games online and how you can save hundreds every single year by doing so.

World of Warcraft Wallpapers

World of Warcraft is not always just playing the game. Check out the scenery every once in a while. Take a picture make it pretty and let everyone else know about it.

Ever play World of Warcraft and just liked the scenery? I have that's why I started making World of Warcraft Wallpapers. There extremely easy and can be a lot of fun at times. Here are some quick Tips on how to make your wallpaper pictures right.

Swapping Video Games As a Route to Cheap Gaming

Video gaming is an expensive hobby, but, as this article will demonstrate, it need not be! Most of the expense is due to the price tag of new video games and the fact that many video games have a short life span - be it a great but quick to complete Xbox 360 title or a PlayStation 3 game that simply loses its appeal quickly. This article will consider video game swapping as an alternative to purchasing new video games out right.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The New Face of Real Time Strategy - Halo Wars

With the extreme popularity of real time strategy games in the PC world (games like command and conquer, red alert, age of empires, the list goes on and on) you would think that these games could port over to console systems and become an instant success. Especially considering the easy access to multiplayer live gaming like the PlayStation and Xbox systems have delivered with all of their popular racing and fighting games.

Productivity Purgatory - Broken Picture Telephone

Need a convenient scapegoat for the current economic crisis? Blame this highly addictive game that will manage to cripple the world's workforce for at least the rest of time.

WoW Strategy Tips

There are loads WoW strategy tips that are available to you from the web, the problem is, there are so many completely different choices available, the question is, which World of Warcraft strategy guide is top for you?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Why You Should Join an Online Gaming Tournament

This is not promo - the author removed the promo sentence in the article. Be sure to read and see if the author made the changes before copying the previous PA notes.Online Gaming Tournaments are ideal if you enjoy playing games either on your computer on a games console, and want to take you game playing to a different level. Perhaps you've always wondered how you'd manage against other real opponents, or maybe you and your friends want to take on the world at your favourite games.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why I Started My Own Armory

Believe it or not it all started with comics, when I was at an anime convention, I love Anime. Anime, in addition to manga (Japanese comics), is extremely popular in Japan and well known throughout the world. Anime itself is considered a form of limited animation. To give you some background info about anime, the weapons are really big and unusual.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Old School Rant

 Our youth today do not comprehend what makes a video game special.  They approach their purchases based on superior graphics and on-line functionality.  A night of gaming consists of trash-talking to other gamers, ruining their experiences.  They have not grown up with the innocence of gaming that generation x had the pleasure to.  Back when Nintendo and Sega games were a bunch of sprites traveling from left to right, the programmers focused on game play, the cornerstone of what makes a game so unique.  Today's games do focus on that same concept, but our youth seem to ignore it.  It doesn't help their case that companies like EA and Activision churn out sequels every year, and turn once great gaming concepts into bland experiences.  Examples include the Tony Hawk series, Medal of Honor, Tomb Raider, Madden and now the EA developed Skate 2.