Thursday, July 18, 2013

Become a Virtual Entrepreneur - Second Life Tips

Many people refer to second life as a game, however actually I think it's much more of a community. There is no way to win the game, it's just like life! To compete in second life you will rely on property and money, much the same as in our world! When you first start exploring the second life world you will see that everything in that world is made by people just like you!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Few Tips on Etiquette in Gaming

I'm not Polite Polly, and I'm not Ms. Manners, but I'd like to help you anyway with your game etiquette. Playing games can be frustrating at times and you can become angry, but that doesn't mean that you should express your anger in the game. What you read here should give you the chance to still have fun, while not ruining the mood of others during a multiplayer game.

An Incredible Online World Awaits You at Second Life

Have you ever wanted to assume a character and explore a wonderful online world without worrying about getting killed by bandits, gangsters, or dragons? Well, there is an immense online environment in 3D where you can go called Second Life. It's easy to register, and it's free.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Become a Paid Game Tester by Taking 3 Simple Steps!

If you want to become a paid game tester without going to college and without getting any sort of formal training, then follow these 3 steps.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Building Relationships Through Video Games on the Internet

These games have become tools specifically put in place to attract new consumers to the video game industry. It's the perfect solution, since the online games never deteriorate and are affordably available to a large audience. The games are innovated, and not necessarily like any traditional video games that are reserved for computers, gaming systems, and even cellphones.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Computer Networking - Enhancing the Gaming Experience

There was a time when people would rave about 2-D arcade games such as Pac Man, Pong, and Space Invaders. Since then, the gaming industry has turned itself into a moneymaking behemoth, and has connected itself to other industries as well such as music, merchandise, and advertising. Video games nowadays come in different forms and genres, and one of the most exciting types of gaming is through computer networking.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Copy Your Favorite Game and Stop Spending Money on Originals

Many teens love to play video games. I see it and here it everywhere, from middle school to college. At first I thought that in college not so many students would choose to spend money on video games and sit around and play them. Yet when I enter the dorms, it is quite often that I see people playing Halo, Guitar Hero or many other games. And why not? After a busy day, there is nothing wrong to sit back and enjoy your favorite game.

Attracting Members to Your Gaming Clan

Something all clans need, and so few are any good at. Attracting members can be a bit difficult, especially at first. With so many options in the clanning world today, you have to ask yourself what separates your clan from any other. Put yourself in the shoes of a gamer wishing to join a clan, and compare yourselves with the competition in your game of choice. Does yours stand out? Do you appear organized? Professional? Identify the type of member you want to reach, be it casual gamer, hardcore gamers, or even a mix of the two. Through experience, a few ways I have learned to attract members have been:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Catering in LRP - The Options Available For LARP Catering

Eating out on a live action Role Playing Event, a catering guide for Larping. No matter what the duration of the event you are going to you will no doubt need to eat and drink. Here are the different options that players tend to choose when going on a live action role playing weekend and a few thoughts on each.

Championship Video Gaming

Video games have become a treasured pastime around the world with the increased capabilities of computers and console units. Massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) have a fan base into the millions with World of Warcraft being the biggest draw of the day for online role playing.