Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Catering in LRP - The Options Available For LARP Catering

Eating out on a live action Role Playing Event, a catering guide for Larping. No matter what the duration of the event you are going to you will no doubt need to eat and drink. Here are the different options that players tend to choose when going on a live action role playing weekend and a few thoughts on each.


"It is only a two day event; I don't need to eat a real meal." This type of role player will usually stop at a garage or small shop on their way to the event and buy a bag of already made sandwiches crisps pasties and chocolate. This works well for players who for whatever reason cannot find the time to sort out food in advance of the event. However a live action role playing event is usually strenuous and can often go on late into the night. Not eating properly even for a few days can affect your sleep patterns your health and therefore your enjoyment of the larping weekend event.

Fast food

Some of the larger live action role playing events have burger vans and other catering facilities similar to what you might find at a music festival. Some people when going larping find that it takes enough time just to organise their kit and to be able to buy all your food on site leaves more time for the gaming itself. The disadvantage here is that in most cases fast food is far from healthy, plus queues and delays may mean that you miss out on the adventure that you are paying to do. Also money can be an issue for many people who go larping and the on site prices can be quite high.

The player who has everything

In every club and at every event there are people who just bring everything with them when they go larping; including the kitchen sink. These people can put together a full English breakfast or even a three course meal from their tent or back of their car. The main advantage to this approach is that you can eat well on a live action role playing event with only a low budget. The main disadvantages are the car space needed which may mean leaving in character equipment behind and also the time it takes to cook and clean up when you could be taking part in the activities that you have paid for.

Catering an event as a group

This is a popular approach taken by many people nowadays when going away larping. You get a group of people who are all going live action role playing together and everyone brings different items to feed everyone in the group for a number of meals. This can prove to be a relatively low cost option and can mean you only help with one meal but eat on many. This does take some organising however and like in every walk of life not everyone in the hobby is capable of doing this well and people can eat quite upset if there is no milk for their tea etc.

Catering by the organisers of the event.

This is probably the best option when on an event. Leave it to the people running the event who are more likely to have hired professionals and will provide a healthy filling range of food at a reasonable price. Many of the larger events throughout the uk will now offer a catering option, if in doubt contact them and see what is available.

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