Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Become a Paid Game Tester by Taking 3 Simple Steps!

If you want to become a paid game tester without going to college and without getting any sort of formal training, then follow these 3 steps.

1. Be a Slave: It really, really stinks to high heaven, but your best way to get into the industry, as well as to get those first few references, is to offer your game testing skills for free. That idea may make you cringe, but it's a far better solution to being rejected over & over & over due to poor references and zero game testing experience. Just think of it as a necessary evil to getting one of the best jobs a gamer could EVER ask for.

2. Make Everyone a Friend: The best weapon a paid game tester can have is a solid network of contacts. More contacts means more strings to pull whenever you're searching for your next video game testing job.

As you undoubtedly guessed, going around and asking strange people to be your "friend" is a bit creepy, no matter how nice you may seem. That said, just be friendly and courteous to everyone and anyone you have dealings with. When people like you or get a good vibe from you, they are more likely to help you out when you need it. This is how reliable contact networks are built and maintained.

3. Keep Searching, Keep Applying: There are a wide array of outstanding game developers out there, meaning you're in no short supply of places to apply. If they create, distribute, manage, or have anything to do with the production of video games, you definitely need to contact them and apply for a paid game tester position.

It's okay if a company turns you down, as not every developer is in need of game testers. Just shrug off the rejection and move forward to other game developers. The more applications and resumes you send in, the greater your chances are of landing a paid game tester job.

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