Thursday, August 15, 2013

Deaths Caused by Video Games

Believe it or not, but video games have actually killed people. Some games are held responsible for physically killing people and also some games have actually driven people to their deaths (I know crazy right?). There are actually several reported cases of death caused by video games every year however only some make it on the news and become popular. These 4 examples are just few of the many cases of death caused by video games but these are the most popular so take each one into consideration so you won't be the next person on this list!

Halo Wars Gaming Community - The Necessities

With the upcoming release of the Halo Wars Real time Strategy game, there has been a myriad of new Halo Wars communities, sites and blogs popping up. Some are just small time blogs talking about rumors, or possible characters that might play a role in the new game. Some are sites dedicated to tricks and tips or becoming the first to get their glitches and cheats online. The remainder seem to take the shape of an online community.

Invading the Wrong Space

The past brings up a lot of subjects, your first girlfriend, space invaders, the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers. So what happens when you put two of them together? And yes your girlfriend and invading her space would make a good story but that's not the correct combination now is it? Recently at the GH ART exhibit held at the Games Convention in Germany a piece was featured that depicted the 9/11 attack using space invaders.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to Earn Lindens And-Or Get a Job in Second Life

So you're in Second Life and you want to make some lindens. You may not be sure where to go next or what to do to make some virtual cash. Well the good news for you is that you found this article! As you may or may not know by now, Second Life is not like other MMORPG's out there. You can not just go out and kill bats and rats for an income like you can in other popular online games. However, there are several options to make money so you can buy that outfit you want!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Harry Potter Roleplaying

When you choose to take a piece of literature and expand upon it, either through roleplaying, or through some form of fan fiction, there are a number of choices that you have to make. First and foremost is, will you stick to the logical and chronological timeline that was laid out in the book? If you choose to follow the chronology of the book you can either choose to replay something that was written, simply mirroring what is in the story, or you can fill in gaps that the story doesn't cover, such as time periods which were glossed over, or events which were not described in great detail.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Laying Plans - The Art of War by Sun Tzu

I was reading through some of the texts of the Art of War by Sun Tzu and considered how some of the doctrines he wrote down applied to the current video gamer while playing some of the strategy war games which are now in fashion. I thought I would have a look at some of his texts and see whether they applied to the logic of the computer.

Is Swapping Video Games With Other Gamers a Better Way to Play New Video Games?

Every gamer goes through the process of buying a new video game - playing it to boredom or completion and then moving onto the next game. For some, the retail value of £40 (~$60) for most new video games makes moving onto the next game a tricky task, making gaming an expensive hobby! This article will discuss several methods of buying/getting new video games available to gamers and consider whether video game swapping sites represent the best possible value to a gamer when moving onto a new video game.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Habbo Hotel and Online Virtual Worlds

Habbo Hotel

No longer is the internet the enclave of the academic and business user, now leisure users probably outnumber both, the popularity of online worlds like Habbo reflect this trend.

How to Join Second Life

you would like to join Second Life and see what all the fuss is about. It is actually free and easy to join. I will explain here exactly how to join step by step, just follow these simple instructions and you will be on your way to an amazing virtual world.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to Play Dungeons and Dragons Game - It's Really Not That Hard

So maybe you've heard about  the Dungeons and Dragons game and are curious as to what this is all about. Possibly you've heard about playing Dungeons and Dragons online, and now your interest is peaked. This article is going to explain a little about the game and how you can get a group of friends around the Dungeons and Dragons table.