So you're in Second Life and you want to make some lindens. You may not be sure where to go next or what to do to make some virtual cash. Well the good news for you is that you found this article! As you may or may not know by now, Second Life is not like other MMORPG's out there. You can not just go out and kill bats and rats for an income like you can in other popular online games. However, there are several options to make money so you can buy that outfit you want!
One of the ways you can earn money is hosting events for established venues. The type of event hosting can vary greatly depending on the type of business where the event is being held. Some of the types of events that need hosting are theme parties, fashion shows, competitions, poetry reading, story telling, "How to" classes, or various types of meetings. You can usually find people hiring for these types of jobs in the classified section of the search feature under the employment tab. Expect the pay for event hosting to run you about $L250 - $L1500 per event hour usually including tips.
Do you love music? Have you ever thought about being a DJ? Well in Second Life there is a big demand for the DJ. It does not matter if you like country or metal; there are similar minded people who will need your services. DJing can be a really fun job as well where you can meet a lot of great people. The best way to get hired is to advertise yourself under employment as a DJ and list the types of music you can play. You can also find many great tutorials out there on the web that will teach you how to create a stream for your music. Expect the pay for a DJ to be about $L1500 to $L3000 per event plus tips.
While we are on the subject of music you may also want to consider being a live entertainer. If you can play an instrument or sing, or both, you could earn a great income in Second Life. Many musicians and singers will also promote their real world record sales through Second Life. It is an excellent way to increase your fan base and make great money! Expect to make between $L3000 to $L5000 per event plus tips.
Another idea is to become a live sales rep for a store. It is a lot like what you see in real life department stores, only in the virtual store. A sales rep will ask visiting customers if they need any help finding anything and will answer a customers question about the store and its products. You will typically see stores hiring for this in the classifieds employment section or sometimes on Second Life forums. Expect your pay to be around $L50-$L300 per hour. Most stores will also offer free items from the store as a bonus.
Yet another idea is to become a dancer or a model. You could easily do both of these together if you wanted to. Clubs need traffic to stay popular and a dancer is a good way to attract people and keep them there. This would also be a good way to be seen and hired as a model for one of the clothing stores. You will want to place a classified ad in the employment section which will cost you $L50 lindens so that employers can also find you that way. Sometimes there are also listings under employment in the classifieds as well as in forums. Expect to make around $L50 - $L300 per hour plus tips and free clothes.
There are many other possibilities out there but by far the best way to make a lot of money is by creating and selling things yourself. You could be a builder, a clothing designer, offer a service like virtual wedding set-up with ceremony, really there are endless opportunities. If you are interested in the more serious ways to make money there is an endless array of tutorials and information on the web. Whatever you decide to do in Second Life I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you around.
Tips & Warnings
Start by searching through the Classifieds Sub-Section Employment
Place your own ad to gain even more exposure to employers for yourself.
Consider starting your own virtual business.
Do not pay someone else to hire you.
Do not ever give anyone your account password.
Do not accept items that request payment unless you know they are safe.
Be wary of anything or anyone that asks for your personal information.
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