With the upcoming release of the Halo Wars Real time Strategy game, there has been a myriad of new Halo Wars communities, sites and blogs popping up. Some are just small time blogs talking about rumors, or possible characters that might play a role in the new game. Some are sites dedicated to tricks and tips or becoming the first to get their glitches and cheats online. The remainder seem to take the shape of an online community.
Gaming Communities have become popular amongst players because they serve a purpose. That purpose is to bring players of a certain genre or a particular game together into one central location. Within this location they can make friends, share strategies make up clans or teams and in general make themselves a better player.
Halo Wars World is one of the newest Halo sites online. It, has a user forum, allows embedded video so members can put up their own trailers and videos of their own games. Some of the more advanced features it has ( which are what make it a step above the rest) are advanced user profiles, sort of MySpace-ish. They are working on a revenue sharing system which allows users who participate in adding content the opportunity to make some cash.
The community is pretty new and members are starting to sign on. As of now there aren't any cheats or tricks listed but there are areas for them (the game isn't out yet). Users can vote on their favorite content including their own, and the site moderators claim that prizes will also be given to the members with the most friends and most points. A sort of way to promote the site. In the future there are plans to host tournaments that are connected to a ranking system sort of like a poker room setup online.
Of all of the game communities online, Halo Wars World tops the charts. Although the graphics and theme of the site have some room to improve (in comparison to others it still shines) its features usability and future plans, demand attention . Now it just needs the members.
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