So maybe you've heard about the Dungeons and Dragons game and are curious as to what this is all about. Possibly you've heard about playing Dungeons and Dragons online, and now your interest is peaked. This article is going to explain a little about the game and how you can get a group of friends around the Dungeons and Dragons table.
The first thing to remember about the Dungeons and Dragons game is that it is a collective story telling game. All players and the dungeon master, who is like the referee of the game, share in the narrative of the story. The players at the Dungeons and Dragons table go through the motions of telling everyone what their character is doing. The dungeon master will tell the person if their character has succeeded or not based on the roll of the dice and certain applicable modifiers.
This all may sound a little complicated, but really once you sit down to the Dungeons and Dragons table and start playing, you will see that it's not that hard. It is even easier to start playing the Dungeons and Dragons game if you have others with you who are experienced in playing. This cuts down on the learning curve dramatically.
In the Dungeons and Dragons game you can play a character type, called a class. Think about this like what their job in the game is. You can play a fighter, cleric, thief, or wizard. Within each of these classes are more specialized roles, such as a Paladin in the fighter class.
Once you have created your character you're ready to belly up to the Dungeons and Dragons table. If you don't have people to play with locally, you can easily find others that are playing Dungeons and Dragons online. Just visit the Dungeon and Dragons website and click on the forum. There you will find threads to find games in your area, or to find people who want to play online using various computer programs to have a virtual table top game and voice communication.
The biggest thing to remember is the game is all about having fun. It's not showing off how well one grasps the rules or how tough one's character is. With the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons game which is the Fourth Edition, the game has gained new heights in easily showing people who are new to role-playing games, how to play.
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