Thursday, August 15, 2013

Deaths Caused by Video Games

Believe it or not, but video games have actually killed people. Some games are held responsible for physically killing people and also some games have actually driven people to their deaths (I know crazy right?). There are actually several reported cases of death caused by video games every year however only some make it on the news and become popular. These 4 examples are just few of the many cases of death caused by video games but these are the most popular so take each one into consideration so you won't be the next person on this list!

Death From Dance Dance Revolution

The first death I'll start with is a man who physically died from playing Dance Dance Revolution, you know the famous dancing game by Konami. He bought Dance Dance Revolution on the PlayStation and began to play in his apartment which unfortunately he was alone that day. As many of you know dance dance revolution has a lot of flashing lights and with the dancing can get your heart and blood pumping which is why they have those warning before the game starts. Of course no one actually saw what happened but an inference led investigators to believe that he played the game and got a seizure from the dancing and flashing lights which caused him to suffocate on his tongue and died. Of course the family tried to sue Konami for millions of dollars, but there wasn't any actual case because the warning clearly states the warning of seizures and other health issues while playing the game. Now we know why those warnings are on those games and should actually read them before playing.

Death From World of Warcraft

I think we all knew it was bound to happen that World of Warcraft would soon drive someone to their death somehow. The highly addicting game can drive a person mad and they have even considered opening a rehab specifically for World of Warcraft addicts to get off that wowcrack (crazy right?). This case is about a 13 year old boy who was driven to death by World of Warcraft MMOPRG World of Warcraft his parents took away the game and he left a note stating "I'm going away to be with the heroes of Azeroth." He then committed suicide, the cause of death was not officially released sorry guys I wanted to know too. Blizzard has now officially initiated training for employees when they receive suicide clients via customer support (over 1000 cases per month!) and have been instructed to contact the authorities when people threaten to commit suicide due to problems with the game. The main reason why these people threaten blizzard with suicide is when they can't unban their accounts (I thought it would work =x). I have contacted Blizzard for an opinion and the farthest I got to was a senior customer analyst he told me that people mainly send suicide threats via email to when they are unable to get their account back. Remember guys it's just a game if you lose your precious gnome don't jump! go pick up a nice FPS and live life =)

Death From Starcraft

Well I guess Blizzard makes some kickass games, so good that they cause people to die from playing! This third death is about a Korean man who died from heart failure after playing Starcraft for over 70 hours that's right 3 days almost. Basically this guy went to a 24/7 PC cafe (very popular in Korea) and if you haven't noticed Korea is like the capital of Starcraft. He began to play Starcraft non-stop and only stopped to take naps, use the restroom and eat. After about 2 days (from reports) his friend came because he was worried since he had lost his job due to his non-stop Starcraft marathon, but ignored him. On approximately his third day at the PC cafe an employee found him passed out where he was taken to the hospital only to die on the way from heart failure and lack of nutrition. This death clearly shows how an addiction can go very far with a game, but I have to admit Starcraft is addicting. So next time you do a gaming marathon make sure you get proper sleep and good nutrition!

Death From Everquest

A man named Hudson Wooley lost it all after playing the very popular (even before WOW) MMOPRG Everquest for several hours a day. Wooley was having difficult issues that caused him to become depressed and although the family blames Everquest for leading to his suicide people believe that it was his escape from reality, basically what alcoholics do except with elves and dwarfs. After losing his job and ignoring friends and family, they began to worry for him. After some time Wooley shot himself with a gun (spot not mentioned) not because of Everquest but from his problems, his suicide was his escape from reality just as many others escape playing MMOPRG's such as Everquest, Warhammer, World of Warcraft, etc. Remember if you are having problems just how you shouldn't drown them away in alcohol don't ignore them by doing that raid on WOW instead seek help!

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